2007 Masters of Business Administration, University of Adelaide
1991 Bachelor of Design (four year degree), now University of South Australia
1977 Bachelor of Arts, Flinders University. Double majors in English and Politics
2011- present University of Western Australia
Manager, SymbioticA, Center for Excellence in Biological Arts, School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology
SymbioticA leads the creative nexus between the arts, life sciences and society investigating the challenges of our world. SymbioticA is a leader for art and biology research, scholarship and collaborations. The role manages the activities, strategic direction and development of this unique arts organisation within a science faculty at the University of Western Australia.
2007-2011 Australia Council for the Arts
Manager, Cultural Engagement Initiatives Community Partnerships
This role managed the Cultural Engagement Framework (CEF) to integrate seven policy areas across the work of the Australia Council. The relevant policy areas include: multicultural, disability, regional, young people, Indigenous, education and the Reconciliation Action Plan. A further key role is to co-manage multi-year funded cross-sector Creative Communities Partnership Initiatives (CCPI) totalling grants of $2.5m/annum.
The role required me to:
- manage a team of at least three people to develop and implement aspects of the CEF
- work collaboratively across departments to design and deliver the statistical framework to identify trends in CEF areas and understand commonalities for streamlined investment across divisions of Council
- write reports to government
- advise on evaluation design to successful CCPI recipients
- advise on potential funding partners to arts and non-arts sectors, including to: health sectors, local government, regional councils and the Australian Human Rights Commission
- develop and manage approved contracts worth up to $600,000 each of government initiative funds and matched at least equally by partner organisations
- develop and facilitate roundtable industry discussions to inform and engage a range of sectors and government including the:
- Initiative Advisory Group for the Muslim arts project partnership between the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Australia Council (2009)
- Making Creative Cities forum and national presentations by Keith Khan, Head of Culture, London Olympic Games in partnership with the British Council Australia (2008)
- Making Multicultural Australia forum with state and federal leaders at Parliament House, Canberra (2007)
International presentations included to:
- Sixth Diversity Matters forum, organised by the Australian Multicultural Foundation and the Commonwealth Foundation, Singapore, 2010
- International Association of Environmental Scientists at the World Forum Venice, 2009
- International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Belfast, 2009
- Making a Difference: Social Inclusion Conference, Adelaide, 2008
Partner Investigator on Australian Research Council Linkage grants:
- Large Screens and the transnational public sphere (University of Melbourne, Nabi Art Centre, Federation Square et al)
- Community building, participation and cultural citizenship (UTS)
2005-2007 Australia Council for the Arts
Project Manager, Strategy
In this role, I managed policy development, research, analysis, strategic development and evaluation. The review of the Arts in a Multicultural Australia (AMA) policy resulted in renewal of the policy and a comprehensive report based on qualitative consultation with over 200 interviewees and a survey to 1,000 members of the arts industry.
The role required me to:
- manage the process for and the consultants from Effective Change and the University of Victoria to evaluate the AMA policy
- facilitate the research and development of Council’s national arts in health strategy
- produce annual access and equity reports – internal and to federal government
- work as part of a senior team of four to review Council’s statistical framework
- prepare and assist with submissions to Government
- liaise with government, industry bodies and key stakeholders
- manage the Australia Council Multicultural Advisory Committee
1998-2005 Australia Council for the Arts
Senior Policy and Research Officer, Policy Communications Research
This role developed policy and implemented strategic initiatives leading to capacity building of the arts sector. The reinvigoration of the Arts in a Multicultural Australia (AMA) 2000 policy required strong leadership, vision, relationship building and the development of creative solutions to have lasting impact.
During the negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States, the role ensured that the arts were a positive part of trade policy in partnership with the Australian Film Commission.
This role required me to:
- facilitate the consultation for and development of a five year strategic plan for Council to effectively implement its policy,
- manage projects and the Australia Council Multicultural Advisory Committee that:
- articulated the priorities for this policy
- provided relevant research and analysis leading to the development of effective strategies
- evaluated the Arts in a Multicultural Australia policy of Council
- implemented a suite of innovative initiatives including:
- the formation of a national multicultural arts touring network, kultour, which has gone onto become a company expanding into regional Australia and presenting work at national and international arts festivals
- a partnership with the tertiary sector to provide accredited masters level leadership qualifications to those working in the multicultural sector
- the development of a dedicated online presence and discussion site for the multicultural sector
- the Multicultural Arts Marketing Ambassadors that brought together multicultural talent and expertise and major arts companies in Victoria and Western Australia
- co-development of two major international conferences and subsequent publications:
- Empires Ruins and Networks at ACMI, Melbourne, 2004
- Globalisation Art + Cultural Difference at Artspace, 2002
- facilitated the capacity building of the arts sector through liaison with government, industry bodies and key stakeholders. This included to:
- participate in and facilitate effective meetings with trade negotiators
- maintain productive relationships with high profile public relations and economic consulting companies
- participate in Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade consultations and briefings
- facilitate an increase in the capacity of the arts sector to present their case to government
International presentation to the International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Te Papa Museum, Wellington New Zealand, 2002
1997-8 Consultant, OCMZ, University of Adelaide, Research Commerce Precinct
1991-7 Programme Manager, SA Media Resource Centre
1984-85 Lecturer TAFE, Pitjantjatjara Women’s Learning Centre, Ernabella, SA where I assisted in the establishment of the NPY Women’s Association.
Curating new (public interactive) and traditional media exhibitions and catalogue production
Policy development and strategic management
Research and analysis
Project management
Submission and report writing to government departments and agencies
Conference and forum development and marketing
Consulting across and between a wide range of sectors
Liaison with state and federal government, industry bodies and key stakeholders
Financial and organisational management
Presentations to local, national and international audiences
Facilitation of small to medium size focus group discussions
Questionnaire design
Evaluation design and management
Contract development and management